Common Word Roots for Female Reproductive System (Part 2)

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Continuing with the quiz on female reproductive system, here is the second part.

  1. 1 Find the combining form or the word root of the image highlighted.

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    toc/o is a combining form that refers to "labor". 

    The process of labor is characterized by continuous, progressive contraction of the uterus that assists in dilation (opening) and efface (thinning) of the cervix. In this way, the fetus can move through the birth canal.

  2. 2 Find the combining form or the word root of the image pointed to.

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    salping/o is a combining form that refers to "uterine tube" or "fallopian tube". 

    The fallopian tubes connect the ovaries to the uterus. Through the fallopian tubes, eggs move from the ovaries to the uterus. Fertilization takes place at these sites as well.

  3. 3 Find the combining form or the word root of the image pointed to.

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    perine/o is a combining form that refers to "perineum". 

    Female perineum consists of the area between the anus and genitals, which extends from the vaginal opening to the anus. Typically, it is 2 to 5 centimeters long. Pelvic floor muscles connect with the muscles in the perineum. In childbirth, the perineum stretches to accommodate the baby.

  4. 4 Find the combining form or the word root of the image highlighted.

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    pelv/i is a combining form that refers to "pelvis", "pelvic bones" or "pelvic cavity". 

    The pelvis is a basin-shaped bone that protects the abdominal organs and supports the spinal column. In the bony pelvis, there are two parts: the anterior and the posterior. In the anterior part of the pelvis, you find the pubis, the ischium, and the ilium. It is attached posteriorly to the pelvic spine. Coccyx and sacrum make up the pelvic spine.

  5. 5 Find the combining form or the word root of the image pointed to.

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    uter/o, metr/o, metr/i, hyster/o

    uter/o, metr/o, metr/i or hyster/o is a combining form that refers to "uterus". 

    Uterus is a muscular hollow organ situated between the bladder and rectum in females. During pregnancy, a fetus (unborn baby) develops and grows in the uterus. The uterus is also called the womb.

  6. 6 Find the combining form or the word root of the image pointed to.

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    vulv/o, episi/o

    vulv/o or episi/o is a combining form that refers to "vulva". 

    An outer part of a female's genital system is the vulva. There are three parts to the vulva: the opening of the vagina, the labia majora (outer lips), and the labia minora (inner lips). In addition to protecting female reproductive organs (labia majora and minora), the vulva also plays a role in sexual arousal and stimulation (clitoris) and facilitates sex through the provision of lubrication (Bartholin's glands) and cushioning (mons pubis).

  7. 7 Find the combining form or the word root of the image highlighted.

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    para is a combining form that refers to "has given birth" or "parity" (**Note: this is different from the prefix Para- which means nearby or alongside). 

    Parity refers to the number of times a woman has given birth to a fetus who is 24 weeks or older. This is whether the child is alive or dead.

  8. 8 Find the combining form or the word root of the image pointed to.

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    ovari/o, oophor/o

    ovari/o or oophor/o is a combining form that refers to "ovary".

    The ovary is a female reproductive organ that releases eggs (ovum) and the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Female traits such as hair growth, breast development, and body shape are shaped by these hormones. Additionally, these hormones affect the cycle of menstruation and fertility.

  9. 9 Find the combining form or the word root of the image highlighted.

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    oo, ov/o, ov/i

    oo, ov/o or ov/i is a combining form that refers to "ovum" or "egg cell". 

    Ovum is a single cell found in one of the female reproductive organs, the ovaries, capable of developing into a fetus when fertilized with sperm. The egg/ovum is about 30 times wider than sperm.

  10. 10 Find the combining form or the word root of the image pointed to.

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    vagin/o, colp/o

    vagin/o or colp/o is a combining form that refers to "vagina". 

    The vagina is an essential passage that plays a role in sexual activity, menstruation, pregnancy, and childbirth.

Common Word Roots for Female Reproductive System (Part 2)

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