hepat/o is the combining form that refers to “liver”.
Located in the right upper abdomen below the rib cage, the liver is the largest internal organ in the body. As well as removing toxins from the body’s blood supply, it regulates normal blood sugar levels, controls blood clotting, among other functions.
Examples of Medical Terms Containing hepat/o
Hepatitis: hepat ( “liver”) + –itis ( “inflammation”)
Definition: Inflammation of the liver, which can be caused by viral infections, alcohol consumption, or other factors. It can cause symptoms such as fatigue, jaundice, and abdominal pain.
Hepatocellular: hepat/o ( “liver”) + –cellular ( “related to cells”)
Definition: Pertaining to liver cells. A type of liver cancer that begins in liver cells is hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).
Hepatomegaly: hepat/o ( “liver”) + –megaly ( “enlargement”)
Definition: Enlargement of the liver, usually caused by liver disease, cancer, or metabolic disorders.
Hepatorenal: hepat/o ( “liver”) + ren ( “kidney”) + -al (“pertaining to” or “related to”)
Definition: Pertaining to liver and kidney, it is a term used to describe the functional impairment of the kidney that occurs in patients with liver cirrhosis.
Hepatotoxicity: hepat/o ( “liver”) + toxic ( “poisonous”) + –ity ( “state or condition of”)
Definition: Toxicity to the liver, which can be caused by medications, chemicals, or other toxins and can lead to liver damage or failure.
Hepatocyte: hepat/o ( “liver”) + –cyte ( “cell”)
Definition: A liver cell, the primary functional unit of the liver, responsible for the synthesis, metabolism and storage of various substances.
Hepatic: hepat/o ( “related to the liver”) + –ic (“pertaining to”)
Definition: Pertaining to the liver, as in the hepatic artery or hepatic vein.