The medical prefix term brady- means “slow”.
Example Word: brady/cardia
Word Breakdown: Brady- means “slow”, and -cardia is a suffix term that pertains to “heart condition”.
Definition: The condition of a slow heartbeat is called bradycardia, which defines an adult heartbeat under 60 BPM.
More Examples of Medical Terms for brady-
Bradycardia: brady– (meaning “slow”) + cardi (meaning “heart”) + –ia (meaning “condition”).
Bradycardia is a medical condition characterized by a slow heart rate.
Bradykinesia: brady– (meaning “slow”) + kines (meaning “movement”) + –ia (meaning “condition”).
Bradykinesia is a medical condition characterized by slow movement.
Bradyphrenia: brady– (meaning “slow”) + phren (meaning “mind” or “diaphragm”) + –ia (meaning “condition”).
Bradyphrenia is a medical condition characterized by slow mental processing.
Bradypnea: brady– (meaning “slow”) + –pnea (meaning “breathing”).
Bradypnea is a medical condition characterized by slow breathing.
Bradysomnia: brady– (meaning “slow”) + somn (meaning “sleep”) + –ia (meaning “condition”).
Bradysomnia is a medical condition characterized by slow onset of sleep.
Bradytachycardia: brady– (meaning “slow”) + tachy– (meaning “fast”) + cardi (meaning “heart”) + –ia (meaning “condition”).
Bradytachycardia is a medical condition characterized by an alternation between slow and fast heart rates.
Bradyzoites: brady– (meaning “slow”) + zo (meaning “animal”) + –ites (meaning “small living thing”).
Bradyzoites is small, slow-moving parasites that are part of the life cycle of certain protozoan infections.
Bradypodia: brady– (meaning “slow”) + pod (meaning “foot”) + –ia (meaning “condition”).
Bradypodia is a medical condition characterized by slow movement or progression of the feet.
Bradyclonus: brady– (meaning “slow”) + clon (meaning “to bend”) + –us (meaning “condition”).
Bradyclonus is a medical condition characterized by slow, rhythmic muscle contractions.
**The combining form clon/o means “to bend.” It is often used in medical terms to refer to muscle contractions or spasms, such as in the word “clonus.” For example, clonus can refer to a medical condition characterized by rhythmic, involuntary muscle contractions or spasms.
Bradytherapy: brady– (meaning “slow”) + therapy (meaning “treatment”).
Bradytherapy is a type of radiation therapy that uses low doses of radiation delivered over a longer period of time.
Bradykinin: brady– (meaning “slow”) + kinin (meaning “peptide”).
Bradykinin is a type of peptide hormone that has a variety of effects on the body, including vasodilation and inflammation.