hyper- (2/6)

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The medical prefix term hyper- means “high, above normal”.

Example Word: hyper/therm/ia

Word Breakdown: Hyper- means “high, above normal”, therm is a word root that refers to “heat”, and -ia is a suffix term that signifies “condition”.

Definition: Hyperthermia is an abnormally elevated body temperature due to a failure of the body’s heat-regulating mechanisms.

More Examples of Medical Terms Starting with Hyper-

Hyperglycemia: hyper– ( “high or above normal”) + glyc ( “sugar” or “related to glucose”) + –emia ( “related to blood”)

Definition: A disorder characterized by high levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood, resulting in symptoms such as excessive thirst, frequent urination, and blurry vision.

Hypertension: hyper– ( “high or above normal”) + –tension ( “pressure”)

Definition: A condition characterized by high blood pressure, which can cause symptoms such as headaches, shortness of breath, and increased risk of heart attack or stroke.

Hyperthyroidism: hyper– ( “high or above normal”) + thyroid ( “related to the thyroid gland”) + –ism ( “condition”)

Definition: A disorder in which the thyroid gland is excessively active, resulting in loss of weight, rapid heartbeats, and shaking.

Hyperoxemia: hyper– ( “high or above normal”) + ox/i ( “oxygen”) + –emia ( “related to blood”)

Definition: A condition characterized by high levels of oxygen in the blood, which can cause symptoms such as increased breathing rate, decreased blood pressure, and headaches.

Hypervolemia: hyper– ( “high or above normal”) + vol ( “volume”) + –emia ( “related to blood”)

Definition: A condition characterized by high blood volume, which can cause symptoms such as swelling and an increased risk of heart failure.

Hypercholesterolemia: hyper– ( “high or above normal”) + cholesterol ( “related to cholesterol levels in the blood”) + –emia ( “related to blood”)

Definition: A condition characterized by high levels of cholesterol in the blood, which can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Hypernatremia: hyper– ( “high or above normal”) + natr ( “sodium”) + –emia ( “related to blood”)

Definition: A condition characterized by high levels of sodium in the blood, which can cause symptoms such as confusion, muscle weakness, and seizures.

Hyperkalemia: hyper– ( “high or above normal”) + kal (“potassium”) + –emia ( “related to blood”)

Definition: A condition characterized by high levels of potassium in the blood, which can cause symptoms such as muscle weakness, cramping, and irregular heartbeats.

Hypercalcemia: hyper– ( “high or above normal”) + calc (“calcium”) + –emia ( “related to blood”)

Definition: A condition characterized by high levels of calcium in the blood, which can cause symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and kidney damage.

Hypermagnesemia: hyper- ( “high or above normal”) + magnes ( “magnesium”) + –emia ( “related to blood”)

Definition: A condition characterized by high levels of magnesium in the blood, which can cause symptoms such as muscle weakness, confusion, and irregular heartbeats.

Hyperphosphatemia: hyper- ( “high or above normal”) + phosphat (“phosphorus”) + –emia ( “related to blood”)

Definition: A condition characterized by high levels of phosphorus in the blood, which can cause symptoms such as itchy skin, bone pain, and an increased risk of kidney damage.