Diagnosis Word Parts

A medical diagnosis is a method of determining what illness explains a person’s symptoms or signs. The term “diagnosis” is most often used without any mention of the medical context. A history and physical examination of the person seeking health care provide the information necessary for diagnosis.

After you pass this quiz, you will be familiar with the medical terms associated with the diagnosis.

Quick Review for the Quiz
Word Part Meaning Sample Word
chrom/o color achromia
aspir/o, aspirat/o removal aspiration
auscult/o, auscultat/o to listen auscultation
ech/o echo (sound reflection) echocardiogram
electr/o electricity electrolysis
palp/o, palpat/o to touch gently palpation
percuss/o to tap percussion
-assay analyze or examine immunoassay
-gram record of data sonogram
-graphy process of recording angiography
-meter, -metry measurement glucometer
-opsy looking at biopsy
-scopy process of viewing with a scope endoscopy
-scope examination stethoscope
-tome surgical incision instrument microtome

  • Question of

    Find the combining form.

    • Chrom/o
    • Electr/o
    • Percuss/o
    • Auscult/o

    Correct Wrong

    Chrom/o or chromat/o is combining form that pertains "color". Take the word a/chrom/ia as an example. A- is a prefix that means "without (absent)", chrom is a word root that pertains to "color", -ia is a suffix that refers "condition". Achromia, also referred to as albinism, is characterized by the absence of pigmentation, especially in the skin and blood.

  • Question of

    Find the combining form.

    • Electr/o
    • Aspir/o
    • Auscult/o
    • Palp/o

    Correct Wrong

    Electr/o is a combining form for "electricity". Take the word electr/o/lysis as an example. Electr/o means "electricity", -lysis means "separating" or "breakdown". Electrolysis is the destruction by means of an electric current.

  • Question of

    Find the combining form.

    • Percuss/o
    • Palp/o
    • Electr/o
    • Chrom/o

    Correct Wrong

    Percuss/o is a combining form that means to "to tap". Take the word percuss/ion as an example. Percuss is a word root that means to "to tap", -ion refers to "process". Percussion is the process of tapping the body to help with medical diagnosis.

  • Question of

    Find the combining form.

    • Aspir/o
    • Auscult/o
    • Chrom/o
    • Palp/o

    Correct Wrong

    Aspir/o or aspirat/o is a combining form that refers to "removal". Take the word aspirat/ion as an example. Aspirat is a word root that pertains to "removal", -ion refers to "process". Aspiration is the process of removal of a gas or liquid from a body cavity, unusual accumulations, or from a container by suction.

  • Question of

    Find the combining form.

    • Auscult/o
    • Percuss/o
    • Palp/o
    • Electr/o

    Correct Wrong

    Auscult/o or auscultat/o is a combining word that means "to listen". Take the word auscultat/ion as an example. Auscultat is a word root that pertains "to listen", -ion is a suffix term that means "process". During a physical examination, auscultation involves listening to the body's sounds.

  • Question of

    Find the combining form

    • Ech/o
    • Percuss/o
    • Chem/o
    • Electr/o

    Correct Wrong

    Ech/o is a combining word that means "echo (sound reflection)". Take the word ech/o/cardi/o/gram as an example. Ech/o pertains "sound reflection",cardi/o is also a combining form for "heart",-gram is a suffix term that means "recording data". An echocardiogram uses ultrasound to make images of the heart

  • Question of

    Find the combining form.

    • Palp/o
    • Auscult/o
    • Aspir/o
    • Electr/o

    Correct Wrong

    Palp/o or palpat/o is a combining form that means "to touch gently". Take the word palpat/ion as an example. Palpat is a word root that pertains "to touch gently", -ion means "process". Palpation involves the technique of feeling with the hands or fingers when performing a physical examination.

  • Question of

    Find the suffix term.

    • -scope
    • -tome
    • -gram
    • -graphy

    Correct Wrong

    -scope is a suffix term that pertains to "examination". Take the word steth/o/scope as an example. Steth/o is a combining form that pertains to "chest", -scope refers to "examination". To determine a person's level of cardiovascular health, a stethoscope measures sounds inside the body, usually in the chest. 

  • Question of

    Find the suffix term.

    • -scopy
    • -tome
    • -gram
    • -graphy

    Correct Wrong

    -scopy is a suffix term that pertains to "process of viewing with a scope". Take the word end(o)/scopy as an example. End(o)- is a prefix that pertains to "inside", -scopy refers to "process of viewing with a scope". The use of an endoscope to examine a body orifice, canal, or organ is known as endoscopy.

  • Question of

    Find the suffix term.

    • -graphy
    • -assay
    • -opsy
    • -meter

    Correct Wrong

     -graphy is a suffix term that means to "process of recording". Take the word angi/o/graphy as an example. Angi/o is a combining form that pertains to "vessel (usually blood vessel)", -graphy refers to "process of recording". Angiography is a type of medical imaging in which X-rays are used to show what is going on inside the blood vessels.

  • Question of

    Find the suffix term.

    • -gram
    • -opsy
    • -scope
    • -assay

    Correct Wrong

    -gram is a suffix term that refers "record of data". Take the word son/o/gram as an example. Son/o is a combining form that pertains to "sound", -gram refers to "record of data". The sonogram is a medical image that is created by an ultrasound echo.

  • Question of

    Find the suffix term.

    • -meter
    • -opsy
    • -scopy
    • -graphy

    Correct Wrong

    -meter or -metry is a suffix term that refers "measurement". Take the word gluc/o/meter as an example. Gluc/o is a combining form that pertains to "sugar (glucose)", -meter refers to "measurement". Glucometer is a device that measures levels of glucose in the blood.

  • Question of

    Find the suffix term.

    • -assay
    • -opsy
    • -gram
    • -scopy

    Correct Wrong

    -assay is a suffix term that means "analyze" or "examine". Take the word immun/o/assay as an example. Immun/o is a combining form that pertains to "immune" or "immunity", -assay refers to "analyze". Immunoassay involves the reaction of an antibody to an antigen to detect the presence of a particular substance, using the high selectivity of immune components.

  • Question of

    Find the suffix term.

    • -opsy
    • -assay
    • -tome
    • -meter

    Correct Wrong

    -opsy is a suffix term that means "looking at". Take the word bi/opsy as an example. Bi (from the combining form bi/o) is a word root that pertains "life" or "living", -opsy means "looking at". The term "biopsy" refers to taking samples of cells or tissues analyzed for disease detection.

  • Question of

    Find the suffix term.

    • -tome
    • -meter
    • -graphy
    • -assay

    Correct Wrong

    -tome is a suffix term that pertains to "surgical incision instrument". Take the word micr(o)/tome as an example. Micr(o)- is a prefix term that means "small", -tome pertains to "surgical incision instrument". Microtome is a piece of equipment that makes tissue slices that are super thin.