General Drug Categories (Part 2)

Learn about the classification and function of common drugs by taking this quiz.

Quick Review for the Quiz
Drug Category Use or Purpose
Antibiotic Fights bacterial infection
Antidiabetic Control blood glucose levels
Antiemetics Relieves nausea and vomiting
Antifungal Treat fungal infections
Antiparasitic Treat infections caused by parasites
Decongestant Reduces nasal stuffiness
Expectorants Help relieve irritated respiratory tracts
Hypoglycemics Treatment of type 2 diabetes
Non-opioid analgesics Manages mild and moderate acute and chronic pain
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) Antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic

  • Question of

    This type of analgesic is commonly used to treat acute and chronic pain of mild to moderate intensity.

    • Non-narcotic
    • Antihistamines
    • Mucolytics
    • Antidiabetic

    Correct Wrong

    [ An/alges/ic = An- is a prefix term that means "without", alges is the word root that pertains to "sensitivity to pain", -ic is a suffix term that means "pertaining to".] Non-opioid analgesics, also called non-narcotics, are commonly used to treat mild and moderate acute and chronic pain. A few examples are acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen.

  • Question of

    These medications are used for treating nausea and vomiting.

    • Antiemetics
    • Blood thinners
    • Antidiabetic
    • Antiparasitic

    Correct Wrong

    [ Anti/emet/ic = Anti- is a prefix term that means "against", emet is the word root that pertains to "vomiting", -ic is a suffix term that means "pertaining to".] Antiemetics are drugs used to treat nausea and vomiting. Some examples of antiemetics are dimenhydrinate, ondansetron & promethazine.

  • Question of

    Phlegm-eliminating medication that stimulates saliva flow and promotes coughing.

    • Expectorant
    • Hypolipidemics
    • Diuretic
    • Antiemetics

    Correct Wrong

    [ Expector/ant = Expector is the word root that pertains to "cough up", -ant is a suffix term that forms a word into a noun.] In order to help relieve irritated respiratory tracts, expectorants signal the body to increase the amount of hydration of secretions. This leads to more and yet clearer secretions. An expectorant commonly used is guaifenesin.

  • Question of

    Medications that lower blood glucose levels that are commonly used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

    • Hypoglycemic
    • Antidiarrheals
    • Corticosteroids
    • Antiviral

    Correct Wrong

    [ Hypo/glyc/emic = Hypo- is a prefix term that pertains to "low" or "below", glyc is word root that refers to "sugar", -emic is a suffix term that means "pertaining to blood condition".] The use of oral hypoglycemics is limited to the treatment of type 2 diabetes, a disorder involving resistance to insulin. Type 1 diabetes results from a lack of insulin, and therefore requires insulin. Sulfonylureas, metformin, thiazolidinediones and alpha-glucosidase inhibitors are the four classes of hypoglycemic drugs.

  • Question of

    Medications used to manage and treat parasitic infections

    • Antiparasitic
    • Anticonvulsants
    • Antipsychotics
    • Antitussive

    Correct Wrong

    [ Anti/parasit/ic = Anti- is a prefix term that pertains to "against", parasit is a word root that refers to "near food" or "parasite", -ic is a suffix term that means "pertaining to".] Antiparasitic drugs are used in the treatment of infections caused by parasites, such as protozoa, helminths, and ectoparasites. Mebendazole and praziquantel are two common antiparasitics.

  • Question of

    Medications that fight bacterial infections.

    • Antibiotics
    • Non-narcotic
    • Antihypertensives
    • Antiemetics

    Correct Wrong

    [ Anti/bio/tic = Anti- is a prefix term that pertains to "against", bio is a word root that refers to "life", -tic is a suffix term that means "pertaining to".] An antibiotic is a drug made from naturally occurring or synthetic substances that fights bacterial infection. Some antibiotics are only effective against a specific type of bacteria. Other antibiotics, known as broad-spectrum antibiotics, are effective against a variety of bacteria.

  • Question of

    Are used as antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic.

    • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
    • Analgesics
    • Muscle relaxants
    • Bronchodilators

    Correct Wrong

    Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used for antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic purposes. They are effective for treating muscle pain, dysmenorrhea, arthritic conditions, pyrexia, gout, migraines, and are used as opioid-sparing agents in certain acute trauma cases. Aspirin, ibuprofen, and diclofenac are common NSAIDs.

  • Question of

    Medications used to treat fungal infections.

    • Antifungals
    • Antipsychotics
    • Non-narcotic
    • Anti-inflammatories

    Correct Wrong

    [ Anti/fung/al = Anti- is a prefix term that pertains to "against", fung is a word root that refers to "fungus", -al is a suffix term that means "pertaining to".] Drugs that are antifungal are commonly used to treat fungal infections of the hair, skin, nails, and mucous membranes. Among the most common antifungals are fluconazole and clotrimazole.

  • Question of

    By constricting blood vessels, this drug relieves nasal stuffiness and reduces swelling of the mucous membranes that line the nose.

    • Decongestant
    • Calcium channel blockers
    • Antacids
    • Hypolipidemics

    Correct Wrong

    [ De/congest/ant= De- is a prefix term that pertains to "away from" or "without", congest means "to obstruct or block", -ant is a suffix term that forms a word into a noun.] A decongestant reduces nasal stuffiness by constricting the blood vessels in the nose, which reduces swelling of the mucous membranes lining the nose. Phenylephrine, oxymetazoline, and pseudoephedrine are examples of drugs.

  • Question of

    Drugs designed to stabilize and control blood glucose levels in people with diabetes.

    • Antidiabetic
    • Diuretic
    • Hypolipidemics
    • Antitussive

    Correct Wrong

    [ Anti/diabet/ic = Anti- is a prefix term that pertains to "against", diabet is a word root that refers to "diabetes" -ic is a suffix term that means "pertaining to".] The aim of antidiabetic drugs is to stabilize and control blood glucose levels in people with diabetes. Insulin and metformin are common antidiabetic drugs.