Medical Word Parts Denoting to Drugs

With this quiz, you will be able to learn and familiarize yourself with the most common medical word parts related to drugs and medicine.

Quick Review for the Quiz
Word Part Meaning Sample Word
chem/o chemical or drug chemotherapy
hypn/o sleep hypnosis
narc/o stupor narcolepsy
pharmac/o drug pharmacology
pyr/o,pyret/o, pyrex/o fever hyperpyrexia
toxic/o, tox/o toxin toxicology
vas/o vessel, duct or vas deferens vasodilation
anti- opposite (against) antihistamine
contra- opposite (against) contraceptive
counter- opposite (against) counteract
-algia pain fibromyalgia
-lytic reducing or breakdown anxiolytic
-mimetic mimic (copy) sympathomimetic
-tropic turn or change somatotropic

  • Question of

    Find the combining form.

    • Hypn/o
    • Narc/o
    • Pharmac/o
    • Toxic/o

    Correct Wrong

    Hypn/o is a combining form for "sleep". Take the word hypn/o/sis as an example. Hypn/o refers to "sleep", -sis is a suffix that pertains to "condition".  Hypnosis is a special state of consciousness, similar to sleep, but with a different degree of awareness than waking consciousness.

  • Question of

    Find the combining form.

    • Pyr/o
    • Pharmac/o
    • Toxic/o
    • Vas/o

    Correct Wrong

    Pyr/o or pyret/o, pyrex/o is a combining form for "fever". Take the word hyper/pyrex/ia as an example. Hyper- is a prefix for "high" or "above normal", pyrex is word root for "fever", -ia is a suffix that pertains to "condition".  A hyperpyrexia is a very high fever or set body temperature greater than or equal to 41°C (105.8°F).

  • Question of

    Find the combining form.

    • Narc/o
    • Hypn/o
    • Pyr/o
    • Vas/o

    Correct Wrong

    Narc/o  is a combining form for "stupor" . Take the word narc/o/lepsy as an example. Narc/o pertains to "stupor", -lepsy is a suffix term that means "seizure". Narcolepsy causes sudden and uncontrollable episodes of deep sleep, often accompanied by paralysis and hallucinations.

  • Question of

    Find the combining form.

    • Pharmac/o
    • Narc/o
    • Hypn/o
    • Vas/o

    Correct Wrong

    Pharmac/o is a combining form for "drug". Take the word pharmac/o/logy as an example. Pharmac/o pertains to "drug", -logy is a suffix that refers to "study of". Pharmacology is the study of drugs, their origins, composition, pharmacokinetics, and therapeutic use.

  • Question of

    Find the combining form.

    • Chem/o
    • Toxic/o
    • Pyr/o
    • Vas/o

    Correct Wrong

    Chem/o is a combining form for "chemical" or "drug". Take the word chem/o/therapy as an example. Chem/o pertains to "drug" or "chemical", -theraphy is a suffix that refers to "treatment". Chemotherapy is a treatment that kills or slows the proliferation and spread of cancerous cells.

  • Question of

    Find the prefix.

    • Anti-
    • Pre-
    • De-
    • Epi-

    Correct Wrong

    Anti- is a prefix that pertains "opposite (against)". Take the word anti/histamine as an example. Anti- means "against", histamine is a natural amine that dilates capillaries, contracts smooth muscles, and stimulates the release of gastric acid by the body during allergic reactions. Antihistamines block the effects of histamine.

  • Question of

    Find the combining form.

    • Vas/o
    • Toxic/o
    • Narc/o
    • Pyr/o

    Correct Wrong

    Vas/o is a combining form for "vessel", "duct" or "vas deferens". Take the word vas/o/dilation as an example. Vas/o pertains to "vessel", -dilation is a suffix that refers to "widening". Vasodilation refers to the dilation or widening of the blood vessels.

  • Question of

    Find the combining form.

    • Toxic/o
    • Chem/o
    • Hypn/o
    • Vas/o

    Correct Wrong

    Toxic/o or tox/o is a combining form for "toxin". Take the word toxic/o/logy as an example. Toxic/o pertains to "toxin", -logy is a suffix that refers to "study of". Toxicology deals with the composition, effects, monitoring, and treatment of poisons.

  • Question of

    Find the prefix.

    • Counter-
    • Anti-
    • Dys-
    • Dia-

    Correct Wrong

    Counter- is a prefix that pertains "opposite (against)". Take the word counter/act as an example. Counter- pertains to "opposite (against)", act means "doing something". Counteract means to limit or neutralize using an opposing action or influence.

  • Question of

    Find the prefix.

    • Contra-
    • Auto-
    • Dia-
    • Epi-

    Correct Wrong

    Contra- is a prefix that pertains "opposite (against)". Take the word contra/ceptive as an example. Contraceptives are devices or pills that prevent conception.

  • Question of

    Find the suffix.

    • -tropic
    • -malacia
    • -lytic
    • -emesis

    Correct Wrong

    -tropic is a suffix that pertains "turn" or "change". Take the word somat/o/tropic as an example. Somat/o is a combining form that means "body", -tropic refers to "turn" or "change". Somatotropic cells are located in the anterior pituitary that produce growth hormone.

  • Question of

    Find the suffix.

    • -algia
    • -metry
    • -lytic
    • -malacia

    Correct Wrong

    -algia is a suffix that pertains "pain". Take the word fibr/o/my/algia as an example. Fibr/o is a combining form that pertains to "fiber", my is a word root that refers to "muscle", -algia means "pain". Fibromyalgia causes pain throughout your body, affecting one's mood and sleep.

  • Question of

    Find the suffix.

    • -lytic
    • -malacia
    • -tropic
    • -mimetic

    Correct Wrong

    -lytic is a suffix that pertains "reducing" or "breakdown" . Take the word anxi/o/lytic as an example. Anxi/o is a combining form that pertains to "anxiety", -lytic means "reducing". An anxiolytic is a medication that reduces anxiety.

  • Question of

    Find the suffix.

    • -mimetic
    • -metry
    • -tropic
    • -emia

    Correct Wrong

    -mimetic  is a suffix that pertains "mimic (copy)" . Take the word sympath/o/mimetic as an example. Sympath/o is a combining form that pertains to "sympathetic nervous system", -mimetic means "mimic (copy)". The effects of sympathomimetic drugs are similar to the effects of endogenous agonists of the sympathetic nervous system.