Physical Examination (Part 2)

In a physical examination, objective findings are analyzed by observation, palpation, percussion, and auscultation. The physical examination and medical history are combined to establish a diagnosis and determine a treatment plan.

This quiz will help you understand the terminology used in the Physical Examination.

  • Question of

    Another term for ophthalmoscopy.

    • Funduscopy
    • Otoscope
    • Endoscopy
    • Sphygmomanometer

    Correct Wrong

    Ophthalmoscopy, or funduscopy as it is also referred to, is a test that is performed to view inside the eye using an ophthalmoscope (or funduscope). It may be done during a routine physical examination or as part of an eye examination.

  • Question of

    It is the first step in a physical examination.

    • Inspection
    • Percussion
    • Medical history
    • Palpation

    Correct Wrong

    A visual examination of the person or body part is conducted during inspection. This is the first step in a physical examination.

  • Question of

    A medical device that is used to look into the ears.

    • Otoscope
    • Endoscopy
    • Funduscopy
    • Biopsy

    Correct Wrong

    The otoscope or auriscope is a medical device that looks into the ear. During regular check-ups, health care providers use otoscopes to check for illness and investigate ear symptoms. An otoscope can provide a view of the ear canal and tympanic membrane.

  • Question of

    This refers to a person’s breathing and the movement of air into and out of the lungs.

    • Respiration
    • Blood pressure
    • Pulse
    • Diastole

    Correct Wrong

    Respiration is the process of a person breathing and of air moving into or out of their lungs.

  • Question of

    Medicine uses this procedure to examine the inside of the body.

    • Endoscopy
    • Funduscopy
    • Sphygmomanometer
    • Stethoscope

    Correct Wrong

    An endoscopy (looking inside) is a medical procedure that is used to examine the inside of the body. When endoscopy is performed, an endoscope is used to examine the interior of a hollow organ. Endoscopes are inserted directly into the organs, unlike most other medical imaging techniques.

  • Question of

    The number of heartbeats per minute.

    • Pulse
    • Respiration
    • Oxygen saturation
    • Temperature

    Correct Wrong

    A pulse is the amount of blood that is pumped by the heart with each heartbeat. This rate can be measured in beats per minute. A pulse can be measured by measuring an artery close to the skin. You can find these areas on the backs of the knees, the groin, the neck, the temples, the top or inner side of the foot, and the wrist.

  • Question of

    This test measures how much hemoglobin is in your blood.

    • Oxygen saturation
    • Pulse
    • Medical history
    • Sphygmomanometer

    Correct Wrong

    Your blood's oxygen saturation (O2Sat) tells you how much hemoglobin is in your body. Your red blood cells contain hemoglobin, a protein that carries oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. Low oxygen levels can indicate lung disease or other medical conditions.

  • Question of

    The health records of a person.

    • Medical history
    • Diagnosis
    • Blood pressure
    • Vital signs

    Correct Wrong

    A health record contains information about a person's health. The medical history of an individual may include information about allergies, illnesses, surgeries, immunizations, and results of physical exams and tests. Additionally, it may contain information about medicines taken and health habits, such as diet and exercise.

  • Question of

    Degrees of warmth or cold in a body or environment.

    • Temperature
    • Blood pressure
    • Respiration
    • Oxygen saturation

    Correct Wrong

    Temperature is the amount of heat or cold in a body or environment (in relation to its molecular activity). In general, the normal body temperature range is 36.5 to 37.5 °C (97.7 to 99.5 °F).

  • Question of

    It involves tapping the body with fingers, hands, or small instruments.

    • Percussion
    • Auscultation
    • Inspection
    • Palpation

    Correct Wrong

    In physical examinations, percussion involves tapping body parts with fingers, hands, or small instruments. It is used to determine: 1) The size, consistency, and borders of body organs. 2) The presence or absence of fluid in specific body parts.

  • Question of

    An evaluation that identifies the disease or condition causing a person’s symptoms.

    • Diagnosis
    • Vital signs
    • Medical history
    • Inspection

    Correct Wrong

    A medical diagnosis is an analysis of symptoms and signs to determine whether a person has a certain disease or condition. Diagnostic information is usually gathered during a person's medical history and physical examination.