Common Word Roots for Lymphatic System

Review Flashcards

This review flashcard list can help you identify and continue to develop a deeper understanding of combining forms and root words that are associated with the lymphatic system.

#1 adenoid/o

adenoid/o is a combining form for "adenoids".

Adenoids are a patch of tissue located behind the nose in the throat. Together with the tonsils, they are part of the lymphatic system that protects the body against viruses and bacteria.

#2 immun/o

immun/o is a combining form for "immune" or "immunity".

A person's ability to combat pathogens is called immunity.

#3 lymph/o

lymph/o is a combining form that refers to the "lymph" or "lymphatic system".

As a part of the immune system, the lymphatic system works in conjunction with the circulatory system. Lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, lymphatic organs, and lymphoid tissues are all part of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system protects your body from illnesses, maintains fluid levels, absorbs digestive tract fat, and eliminates cellular waste.

#4 lymphaden/o

lymphaden/o is a combining form that refers to the "lymph gland (lymph node)".

A lymph gland (also called a lymph node) is a small bean-shaped structure that forms part of the body's immune system. As part of the lymphatic system, the lymph glands filter substances that travel through lymphatic fluid. They also contain lymphocytes, which help the body fight infection and disease.

#5 lymphangi/o

lymphangi/o is a combining form that refers to the "lymphatic vessel".

A lymphatic vessel is a thin tube that transports lymph (lymphatic fluid) and white blood cells through the lymphatic system. It is also known as a lymph vessel.

#6 myel/o

myel/o is a combining form that pertains to "bone marrow" or can also refer to "spinal cord".

Bone marrow consists of the soft, spongy tissue that has many blood vessels, and it is found at the center of most bones. The two main types of bone marrow are red and yellow.

#7 splen/o

splen/o is a combining form that refers to the "spleen".

A spleen is a small, fist-sized organ that lies behind your left ribs in the upper left corner of your abdomen. Although it is an integral part of your immune system, you can live without it. The main function of your spleen is to act as a filter for your blood.

#8 thym/o

thym/o is a combining form that refers to the "thymus gland".

The thymus gland is found between the lungs on the chest. Thymus glands produce T lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell that fights infections and is part of the immune system.

#9 tonsill/o

tonsill/o is a combining form that refers to the "tonsil".

Tonsils are part of the immune system of the body. Due to their location at the throat and palate, they prevent germs from entering the body through the mouth or nose. Moreover, tonsils are full of white blood cells, which are helpful for fighting germs.