Medical Prefixes that Describe the Position or Direction

Review Flashcards

A set of flashcards below contains medical prefixes that are used to describe the position of or direction of a medical term.

#1 ab-

The medical prefix term ab- means "away".

Example Word: ab/duct/ion

Word Breakdown: ab- is a prefix that means "away", duct is is a word root that means "to lead or to carry" and -ion is a suffix that means "action or process".

Definition: Abduction is a movement in which a limb or structure is pulled away from the body's median plane.


#2 ad-

The medical prefix term ad- means "toward". 

Example Word: ad/duct/ion

Word Breakdown: ad- means "toward",  duct is a word root that means "to lead or to carry" and -ion is a suffix that means "action or process". 

Definition: Adduction is the motion of pulling something toward the midline of the body or towards the midline of a limb.

#3 ambi-

The medical prefix term ambi- means "both". 

Example Word: ambi/phil/ia

Word Breakdown: ambi- means "both", phil is a word root that means "attraction" and -ai is a suffix that means "condition". 

Definition: Ambiphilia is an attraction to both men and women.

#4 ante-, anter(o)-

The medical prefix term ante- or anter(o)- means "anterior or front". 

Example Word: anter(o)/sept/al 

Word Breakdown: Anter(o)- means "front",  sept is a word root for "septum", -al is a suffix that means to "pertaining to". 

Definition: The term anteroseptal refers to the area in front of a septum, most notably the interventricular septum.

#5 circum-

The medical prefix term circum- means "around" or "surrounding". 

Example Word: circum/gastr/ic

Word Breakdown: Circum- means "around", gastr is a word root for "stomach", -ic is a suffix that means "pertaining to". 

Definition: Circumgastric refers to the area surrounding a stomach.

#6 dextr(o)-

The medical prefix term dextr(o)- means "right".

Example Word: dextr(o)/cardi/a

Word Breakdown: Dextr(o)- means "right",  cardi is a word root for "heart", -a is a noun ending suffix with no specific meaning.

Definition: Dextrocardia is a congenital condition characterized by the abnormal position of the heart on the right side of the chest.

#7 dia-

The medical prefix term dia- means "through".

Example Word: dia/lysis

Word Breakdown: Dia- is a prefix term that pertains to "through", and -lysis denotes "separating" or "dissolution".

Definition: When the kidneys stop working, dialysis removes and separates wastes and excess fluids from the blood through a machine to be cleaned.

#8 dors(o)-, dors(i)-

The medical prefix term dors(o)- or dors(i)- means "back" or "posterior". 

Example Word: dors(i)/flex/ion

Word Breakdown: Dors(i)- means "back", flex is a word root for "bend", -ion is a suffix that refers to "process". 

Definition: Dorsiflexion can be described as the backward bending or contracting of your hands or feet. 

#9 ect(o)-

The medical prefix term ect(o)- means "out" or "outside". 

Example Word: ect(o)/derm

Word Breakdown: Ect(o)- means "outside",  derm is a word root that refers to the "skin". 

Definition: Following the formation of the three primary germ layers, the ectoderm is the outermost layer of cells of an embryo.

#10 endo-, end-

The medical prefix term end(o)- means "inside".

Example Word: end(o)/metr/i/um

Word Breakdown: End(o)- means "inside",  metr/i is a combining form that refers to the "uterus", -um is a noun ending suffix with no specific meaning.

Definition: Endometrium is the innermost lining layer of the uterus.

More Examples of Medical Terms Starting in Endo-

Endocardium: endo- ("inner" or "within") + cardi ("heart") + -um ("pertaining to").

Definition: The inner layer of the heart, consisting of a thin membrane lining the chambers of the heart and surrounding the heart valves.

Endocrinology: endo- ("inner" or "within") + crin/o ("to secrete") + -logy ("the study of").

Definition: The study of the glands that produce hormones to regulate the body's functions.

Endodontics: endo- ("inner" or "within") + odont ("tooth") + -ics ("pertaining to").

Definition: Branch of dentistry concerned with diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of pulp and root of tooth.

Endometriosis: endo- ("inner" or "within") + metr ("uterus") + -osis ("abnormal condition").

Definition: Condition in which tissue similar to lining of uterus grows outside of uterus, often causing pain and fertility issues.

Endomyocardium: endo- ("inner" or "within") + my/o ("muscle") + cardi (meaning "heart") + -um (suffix indicating "pertaining to").

Definition: The inner layer of the heart muscle.

Endonuclease: endo- ("inner" or "within") + nucle (meaning "nucleus") + -ase ("enzyme").

Definition: An enzyme that breaks down the bonds within nucleic acids, such as DNA and RNA.

Endophthalmitis: endo- ("inner" or "within") + ophthalm (meaning "eye") + -itis (indicating "inflammation").

Definition: Inflammation of the inner structures of the eye, including the vitreous humor and the retina.

Endoplasm: endo-" ("inner" or "within") + -plasm ("living substance" or "tissue").

Definition: The inner, more granular portion of the cytoplasm in some cells, containing organelles such as ribosomes, mitochondria, and lysosomes.

Endorphin: end- ("inner" or "within") + -orphine (meaning "morphine").

Definition: A hormone produced by the pituitary gland that acts as a natural painkiller.

Endoskeleton: endo- ("inner" or "within") + skeleton ("skeleton").

Definition: An internal skeleton, as found in many invertebrates such as insects and crustaceans.

Endothelium: endo- ("inner" or "within") + theli (meaning "lining") + -um ("pertaining to").

Definition: The inner lining of certain body cavities, such as the blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and heart.

#11 epi-, ep-

The medical prefix term ep(i)- means "above".

Example Word: ep(i)/derm/is

Word Breakdown: Ep(i)- means "above", derm is a word root that refers to the "skin", -is is noun ending suffix with no specific meaning.

Definition: A layer of tissue that forms the outermost layer of skin is referred to as the epidermis.

More Examples of Medical Terms Starting in Epi-

Epidemic: epi- ("upon" or "on") + demos ("people") + -ic ("pertaining to").

Definition: A widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time.

Epididymis: epi- ("upon" or "on") + didym ("testicle") + -is ("pertaining to").

Definition: A tube in the male reproductive system that stores and transports sperm.

Epiglottis: epi- ("upon" or "on") + glott ("tongue") + -is ("pertaining to").

Definition: A flap of cartilage in the throat that covers the opening to the larynx during swallowing.

Epilepsy: epi- ("upon" or "on") + lepsy ("seizure").

Definition: A neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures.

Epinephrine: epi- ("upon" or "on") + nephr/o ("kidney") + -ine ("related to").

Definition: A hormone produced by the adrenal gland that increases heart rate and blood pressure.

Epistaxis: epi- ("upon" or "on") + -staxis ("a dropping or falling").

Definition: Nosebleed.

Epithelium: epi- ("upon" or "on") + thel ("nipple") + -ium ("pertaining to").

Definition: A layer of cells that lines the surfaces and organs of the body.

#12 ex(o)-

The medical prefix term ex(o)- means "out" or "outside".

Example Word: ex(o)/therm/ic

Word Breakdown: Ex(o)- means "outside",  therm is a word root that refers to the "heat", -ic is a suffix that means "pertaining to".

Definition: In an exothermic process, heat is released into the environment.

#13 extr(a)-, extr(o)-

The medical prefix term extr(a)-  or extr(o)- means "out" or "outside". 

Example Word: extra/cellular 

Word Breakdown: Extra- means "outside",  cellular pertains to the "cell". 

Definition: An extracellular term refers to something occurring or found outside a cell.

#14 infra-

The medical prefix term infra- means "below" or "under". 

Example Word: infra/clavicul/ar

Word Breakdown: Infra- means "below", clavicul is a word root that pertains to the "clavicle" or "collar bone", -ar is a suffix that means "pertaining to". 

Definition: The infraclavicular fossa is located below the clavicle.

#15 inter-

The medical prefix term inter- means "between". 

Example Word: inter/atri/al

Word Breakdown: Inter- means "between", atri is a word root for "atrium of the heart", -al is a suffix that means "pertaining to".  

Definition: The interatrial septum is the wall between the atria of the heart.

#16 intra-, intro-

The medical prefix term intra- or intro- means "inside" or "within".

Example Word: intra/muscul/ar

Word Breakdown: Intra- means "inside",  muscul is a word root that refers to the "muscle", -ar is a suffix that means "pertaining to".

Definition: The intramuscular refers to the inside of the muscle.

More Examples of Medical Terms Starting with Intra- or Intro-

Intravenous: intra- ( "inside" or "within") + ven ( "veins") + -ous ( "related to")

Definition: Inside or within a vein, typically referring to the administration of medication or fluids through a vein.

Intracellular: intra- ( "inside" or "within") + cellular ( "related to cells")

Definition: Inside or within a cell, typically referring to processes or substances that occur within a cell.

Intraoral: intra- ( "inside" or "within") + oral ( "pertaining to the mouth")

Definition: Inside or within the mouth, typically referring to dental procedures or devices.

Intrathecal: intra- ( "inside" or "within") + thec ( "related to a sheath or covering") + -al ( "related to")

Definition: Inside or within a protective sheath or covering, typically referring to the injection of medication into the spinal cord.

Intrauterine: intra- ( "inside" or "within") + uter/o ( "uterus")

Definition: Inside or within the uterus, typically referring to the location of a pregnancy or a device used in birth control.

Intracranial: intra- ( "inside" or "within") + crani ("skull" or "cranium") + -al ( "pertaining to")

Definition: Inside or within the skull, typically referring to conditions, injuries or pressure inside the skull.

Intratubular: intra- ( "inside" or "within") + tubul ( "tubules") + -ar ( "related to")

Definition: Inside or within a tubule, typically referring to a cell structure or organelles inside the tubule.

Introspection: intro- ( "inside" or "within") + spection ( "to look")

Definition: The act of looking inside oneself, typically referring to self-reflection and self-awareness.

Introvert: intro- ( "inside" or "within") + vert ( "to turn")

Definition: A person who tends to focus on their own thoughts and feelings rather than on external things.

#17 juxta-

The medical prefix term juxta- means "near". 

Example Word: juxta/spin/al

Word Breakdown: Juxta- means "near", spin is a word root for "spine", -al is a suffix that means "pertaining to". 

Definition: The term juxtaspinal refers to an area near the spine.

#18 later(o)-

The medical prefix term later(o)- means "lateral" or "side". 

Example Word: later(o)/crani/al

Word Breakdown: Later(o)- means "lateral" or "side", crani is a word root for "cranium" or "skull", -al is a suffix that means "pertaining to".  

Definition: Laterocranial is the term for the side of the cranium.

#19 levo-

The medical prefix term levo- means "left". 

Example Word: levo/scoli/o/sis

Word Breakdown: Levo- means "left", scoli/o is a combining form that pertains to "curved", -sis is a suffix that means "condition". 

Definition: The term 'levoscoliosis' refers to a type of scoliosis where the spine curves on the left side.

#20 medi(a)-, medi(o)-

The medical prefix term medi(a)- or medi(o)- means "middle". 

Example Word: medi(o)/tars/al

Word Breakdown: Medi(o)- pertains to "middle", tars is a word root that refers to "ankle", and -al is a suffix term that means "pertaining to". 

Definition: Mediotarsal is in the middle of the tarsal (ankle) region.

#21 mes(o)-

The medical prefix term mes(o)- means "middle". 

Example Word:  mes(o)/blast

Word Breakdown: Mes(o)- means "middle", -blast is a suffix that refers to "immature cell". 

Definition: In an embryo, the mesoblast is the middle layer of undifferentiated cells; it becomes the mesoderm.

#22 para-

The medical prefix term para- means "near", "apart from" or "abnormal" . 

Example Word: para/thyr/oid

Word Breakdown: Para- in the term parathyroid means "beside" or "near", thyr is a word root for "thyroid gland", -oid is a suffix that means "resembling". 

Definition: Parathyroid glands are four endocrine glands located near the thyroid gland, which secrete parathyroid hormone.

#23 per-

The medical prefix term per- means "through". 

Example Word: per/cutane/ous

Word Breakdown: Per- means "through", cutane is a word root for "skin", -ous is a suffix that means "pertaining to". 

Definition: Percutaneous refers to a form of administration or procedure that passes through the skin, either as an injection or as a topical injection.

#24 peri-

The medical prefix term peri- means "around" or "surrounding".

Example Word: peri/cost/al

Word Breakdown: Peri- means "around", cost is a word root for "rib", -al is a suffix that means "pertaining to".

Definition: Pericostal refers to the area surrounding a rib.

More Examples of Medical Terms Starting in Peri-

Periosteum: peri- (around, surrounding) + oste (bone) + -um (pertaining to)

Definition: A thin layer of connective tissue that covers the outer surface of bones.

Peritoneum: peri- (around, surrounding) + ton (stretch) + -eum (pertaining to)

Definition: Membrane covering the abdominal organs and lining the abdominal cavity.

Pericardium: peri- (around, surrounding) + cardi (heart) + -um (pertaining to)

Definition: The sac-like membrane surrounding the heart.

Periocular: peri- (around, surrounding) + ocul (eye) + -ar (pertaining to)

Definition: Located near or around the eye.

Perianal: peri- (around, surrounding) + an (anus) + -al (pertaining to)

Definition: Located near or around the anus.

Perioperative: peri- (around, surrounding) + operative (related to surgery)

Definition: Relating to the time period surrounding a surgical procedure.

Percutaneous: peri- (around, surrounding) + cutane/o (skin) + -us (pertaining to)

Definition: Performed through or on the skin.

Perioral: peri- (around, surrounding) + or (mouth) + -al (pertaining to)

Definition: Located near or around the mouth.

Perinatal: peri- (around, surrounding) + nat (birth) + -al (pertaining to)

Definition: Relating to the time period surrounding birth.

#25 poster(o)-

The medical prefix term poster(o)- means "back" or "posterior". 

Example Word: poster(o)/bucc/al

Word Breakdown: Poster(o)- means "back", bucc is a word root for "cheek", -ic is a suffix that means "pertaining to". 

Definition: Posterobuccal refers to the posterior or back part of the cheek.

#26 sinistr(o)-

The medical prefix term sinistr(o)- means "left". 

Example Word: sinistr(o)/ocul/ar

Word Breakdown: Sinistr(o)- means "left", ocul is a word root for "eye", -ar is a suffix that means "pertaining to". 

Definition:sinistrocular error occurs when the left eye is favored by habit or for effective vision over the right eye.

#27 sub-

The medical prefix term sub- means "below" or "under". 

Example Word: sub/cutane/ous

Word Breakdown: Sub- means "below", cutane is a word root that pertains to the "skin", -ous is a suffix that means "pertaining to". 

Definition: Subcutaneous refers to the fatty layer that lies under the skin.

#28 super-

The medical prefix term super- means "above" or "excessive". 

Example Word: super/ior

Word Breakdown: Super- means "above", -ior is a suffix that means "pertaining to". 

Definition: Superior refers to being higher or located above.

#29 supra-

The medical prefix term supra- means "above". 

Example Word: supra/ren/al

Word Breakdown: Supra- means "above", ren is a word root that refers to the "kidney", -al is a suffix that means "pertaining to". 

Definition: The suprarenal glands, also known as the adrenal glands, are small glands on top of the kidneys.

#30 tele-, telo-

The medical prefix term tele- or telo- means "distant".

Example Word: tele/canthus

Word Breakdown: Tele- means "distant", canthus refers to the corner of the eye where the upper and lower lids meet.

Definition: Telecanthus means that the distance between the medial canthi of the eyes increased, whereas the interpupillary distance remains normal.

#31 trans-

The medical prefix term trans- means "through". 

Example Word: trans/derm/al

Word Breakdown: Trans- means "through", derm is a word root for "skin", -al is a suffix that means "pertaining to". 

Definition: Transdermal is a form of medication administration in which ingredients are absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream.

#32 ventr(o)-, ventr(i)

The medical prefix term ventr(o)- or ventr(i)- means "anterior or front". 

Example Word: ventr(o)/crani/al

Word Breakdown: Ventr(o)- means "front",  crani is a word root for "cranium or skull", -al is a suffix that means to "pertaining to". 

Definition:ventrocranial is a term used to refer to the front of the skull.