Medical Prefixes that Describe the Color

Master Mode

As you progress through this quiz, you will have an opportunity to master and memorize the medical prefixes that are associated with color.

  1. 1 Find the prefix for this color.

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    Poli(o)- is a medical prefix term that means "gray". 

    Example Word: poli(o)/myel/itis

    Word Breakdown: Poli(o)- is a prefix that means "gray", myel in this medical term is a word root that means "spinal cord" and -itis is a suffix that means "inflammation". 

    Definition: Poliomyelitis is an inflammation that affects the gray matter of the spinal cord.

  2. 2 Find the prefix for this color.

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    rhod(o)- is a medical prefix term that means "red". 

    Example Word: rhod/opsin

    Word Breakdown: rhod- is a prefix that means "red", opsin is a word root that pertains to a "retina proteins that sense light". 

    Definition: Rhodopsin is a red protein found in the rods of the retina.

  3. 3 Find the prefix for this color.

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    cirrh(o)- is a medical prefix term that pertains to color "yellow". 

    Example Word: cirrh(o)/sis

    Word Breakdown: Cirrh(o)- is a prefix that refers to "yellow", and -sis is a suffix that means "condition of". 

    Definition: A condition known as cirrhosis is a condition in which the liver becomes scarred and permanently damaged, manifested by a "yellow" discoloration of the skin and eyes.

  4. 4 Find the prefix for this color.

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    Eosin(o)- is a medical prefix term that means "red". 

    Example Word: eosin(o)/phil

    Word Breakdown: Eosin(o)- is a prefix that means "red", -phil is a suffix that pertains to a "affinity for", "attraction" or "to love". 

    Definition: Eosinophils are a type of white blood cell (WBC), a part of the immune system that fights parasites and certain infections. 

  5. 5 Find the prefix for this color.

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    albin(o)-, alb-

    The medical prefix term albin(o)- or alb- means "white". 

    Example Word: albin/ism

    Word Breakdown: albin- is a prefix that means "white", and -ism is a suffix that means "condition".  

    Definition: Albinism is a condition of lacking pigment in the skin, hair, and eyes, resulting in a white appearance.

  6. 6 Find the prefix for this color.

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    rubro-, rubri-

    The medical prefix term rubro- or rubri- means "red". 

    Example Word: rubri/cyte

    Word Breakdown: Rubri- is a prefix that means "red", -cyte is a suffix that pertains to a "cell". 

    Definition: A rubricyte is an immature red blood cell with a nucleus.

  7. 7 Find the prefix for this color.

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    Porphyr- is the medical prefix term for color "purple". 

    Example Word: porphyr/opsin

    Word Breakdown: Porphyr- is a prefix that means "purple", opsin is a word root that pertains to a "retina proteins that sense light".  

    Definition: Porphyropsin refers to any of a group of purple carotenoid pigments found in fish retinas, similar to rhodopsin.

  8. 8 Find the prefix for this color.

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    Glauc(o)- is a medical prefix term that means "gray; opaque". 

    Example Word: glauc(o)/ma

    Word Breakdown: Glauc(o)- is a prefix that means "grey; opaque", and -ma is a suffix that means "condition of".  

    Definition: The condition of glaucoma is caused by an increase in intraocular pressure that causes the affected eye to appear gray.

  9. 9 Find the prefix for this color.

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    Cyan(o)- is the medical prefix term for color "blue". 

    Example Word: cyan(o)/sis

    Word Breakdown: Cyan(o)is a prefix that means "blue", -sis is a suffix that pertains to "condition of". 

    Definition: A cyanosis is a condition characterized by a blue discoloration of the skin or mucous membrane caused by a lack of oxygen. 

  10. 10 Find the prefix for this color.

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    purpur- is the medical prefix term for color "purple". 

    Example Word: purpur/a

    Word Breakdown: purpuris a prefix that means "purple", -a is a noun ending suffix with no specific meaning. 

    Definition: A purpura is a condition characterized by red or purple spots on the skin.

  11. 11 Find the prefix for this color.

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    jaund(o)- is the medical prefix term for color "yellow". 

    Example Word: jaund/ice

    Word Breakdown: jaund- is a prefix that means "yellow" and -ice is a suffix that means "pertaining to". 

    Definition: The term 'jaundice' refers to a yellowing of the skin, mucous membranes, or eyes. 

  12. 12 Find the prefix for this color.

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    Erythr(o)- is the medical prefix term for color "red". 

    Example Word: erythr(o)/cyte

    Word Breakdown: Erythr(o)- is a prefix that means "red", -cyte is a suffix that pertains to a "cell". 

    DefinitionThe erythrocyte is also known as the "red blood cell".

  13. 13 Find the prefix for this color.

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    Leuk(o)- is a medical prefix term that means "white". 

    Example Word: leuk(o)/cyte 

    Word Breakdown: Leuk(o)- is a prefix that means "white", and -cyte is a suffix that means "cell". 

    Definition: Known as white blood cells, leukocytes are a cellular component of the blood that protects the body from infection and disease.

  14. 14 Find the prefix for this color.

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    Xanth(o)- is the medical prefix term for color "yellow". 

    Example Word: xanth(o)/phobia

    Word Breakdown: Xanth(o)- is a prefix that means "yellow", -phobia is a suffix that pertains to "irrational fear". 

    Definition: Xanthophobia is an intolerance to yellow light.

  15. 15 Find the prefix for this color.

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    melan(o)- is the medical prefix term for color "black". 

    Example Word: melan/oma

    Word Breakdown: melanis a prefix that means "black", -oma is a suffix that pertains to "tumor". 

    Definition: A melanoma is a dark-pigmented, usually malignant tumor that arises from a melanocyte.

  16. 16 Find the prefix for this color.

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    Chlor(o)- is a medical prefix term that pertains to the color "green". 

    Word Example: chlor(o)/phyll

    Word Breakdown: Chlor(o)- is a prefix that means "green" and -phyll is a suffix that pertains to leaves or leaf structures. 

    Definition: Chlorophylls are green pigments produced by plants and other photosynthetic organisms such as cyanobacteria.

Medical Prefixes that Describe the Color

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