Medical Suffixes that Describe Disease or Function (Part 3)

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We are now in the third part of a four-part series about medical suffixes that describe diseases and functions.

  1. 1 Find the suffix term of the image highlighted.

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    The medical suffix term -salpinx pertains to "fallopian tube (uterine tube)" . 

    Example Word: mes(o)/salpinx

    Word Breakdown: Mes(o)- is a prefix term that denotes "middle", and -salpinx pertains to "fallopian tube (uterine tube)". 

    Definition: Mesosalpinx is the fold of peritoneum (located in the middle of fallopian tube and ovary) covering both uterine tubes.

  2. 2 Find the suffix term of the image highlighted.

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    The medical suffix term -physis means "growth" . 

    Example Word: ep(i)/physis

    Word Breakdown: Epi- is a prefix term that means "above; over", -physis pertains to "growth". 

    Definition: The epiphysis is the rounded end of a long bone. Additionally, epiphysis is another term for the pineal gland.

  3. 3 Find the suffix term of the image highlighted.

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    The suffix -plasia means "formation" or "growth" . 

    Example Word: dys/plasia. 

    Word Breakdown: Dys- for the term dysplasia is a prefix that means "abnormal", -plasia pertains to "growth" or "formation". 

    Definition: Dysplasia is an abnormal growth of tissue or cells, usually a precancerous stage of development.

  4. 4 Find the suffix term of the image highlighted.

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    The medical suffix term -phoresis means "transmit" . 

    Example Word: dia/phoresis. 

    Word Breakdown: Dia- is a prefix term that means "through", -phoresis refers to "transmit". 

    Definition: Diaphoresis is excessive abnormal sweating in relation to the environment and activity level.

  5. 5 Find the suffix term of the image highlighted.

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    The medical suffix term -poiesis means "formation" . 

    Example Word: erythr(o)/poiesis

    Word Breakdown: Erythro- is a prefix term that denotes "red", and -poiesis refers to "formation". 

    Definition: Erythropoiesis is the development and production of red blood cells in the bone marrow.

  6. 6 Find the suffix term of the image highlighted.

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    The medical suffix term -plegia means "paralysis" . 

    Example Word: quadr(i)/plegia

    Word Breakdown: Quadr(i)- is a prefix term that pertains to "four", and -plegia refers to "paralysis". 

    Definition: In quadriplegia, all four limbs and the trunk are paralyzed.

  7. 7 Find the suffix term of the image highlighted.

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    -rrhage, -rrhagia

    The medical suffix term -rrhage or -rrhagia pertains to "excessive bleeding" . 

    Example Word: hem/o/rrhage

    Word Breakdown: Hem/o is a combining form that refers to "blood", and -rrhage indicates "excessive bleeding". 

    Definition: The medical term for bleeding is hemorrhage. Most commonly, it refers to excessive bleeding.

  8. 8 Find the suffix term of the image highlighted.

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    The medical suffix term -phobia means "irrational fear" . 

    Example Word: acr/o/phobia

    Word Breakdown: Acr/o in the term acrophobia means "top" or "peak" (other meaning is extremity), -phobia denotes "irrational fear". "

    Definition: Acrophobia" is the fear of heights.

  9. 9 Find the suffix term of the image highlighted.

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    The medical suffix term -rrhea means "flow" or "discharge" . 

    Example Word: a/men/o/rrhea

    Word Breakdown: A- is a prefix term that means "without", men/o is a combining form that pertains to "menstruation", and -rrhea refers to "discharge". 

    Definition: The absence of menstrual discharge is referred to as amenorrhea.

  10. 10 Find the suffix term of the image highlighted.

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    The medical suffix term -sarcoma pertains to "malignant tumor" . 

    Example Word: oste/o/sarcoma

    Word Breakdown: Oste/o is a combining form that refers to "bone", and -sarcoma pertains to "malignant tumor". 

    Definition: Osteosarcoma (also called bone cancer) is a cancerous tumor in the bone.

  11. 11 Find the suffix term of the image highlighted.

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    The medical suffix term -ptosis pertains to "prolapse" or "drooping" . 

    Example Word: pro/ptosis

    Word Breakdown: Pro- is a prefix term that refers to "before", and -ptosis refers to "prolapse" or "drooping". 

    Definition: Proptosis, also known as exophthalmos is the protrusion of the eyeball.

  12. 12 Find the suffix term of the image highlighted.

    1. Guess I give up


    The medical suffix term -plasm means "living substance" or "tissue" .

    Example Word: neo/plasm.

    Word Breakdown: Neo- is a prefix term that pertains to "new", and -plasm for this term refers to "living substance" or "tissue" .

    DefinitionNeoplasm is an abnormal new growth of irregular tissue.

  13. 13 Find the suffix term of the image highlighted.

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    The medical suffix term -pnea refers to "breathing" . 

    Example word: eu/pnea

    Word Breakdown: Eu- is a prefix term that signifies "normal", and -pnea refers to "breathing". 

    Definition: Eupnea is normal, relaxed breathing. It's a healthy breathing pattern.

  14. 14 Find the suffix term of the image highlighted.

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    The medical suffix term -schisis pertains to "fissure" or "splitting" . 

    Example Word: cheil/o/schisis

    Word Breakdown: Cheil/o is a combining form that refers to "lip", and -schisis pertains to "fissure" or "splitting". 

    Definition: Cheiloschisis (cleft lip) is a congenital cleft that occurs in the middle of the upper lip.

  15. 15 Find the suffix term of the image highlighted.

    1. Guess I give up


    The medical suffix term -rrhexis pertains to "rupture" . 

    Example Word: amni/o/rrhexis

    Word Breakdown: Amni/o is a combining form that refers to "amnion (amniotic sac)", and -rrhexis denotes "rupture". 

    Definition: Amniorrhexis is when the amniotic sac ruptures during pregnancy.

Medical Suffixes that Describe Disease or Function (Part 3)

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