-oma (20/53)

The medical suffix term -oma refers to “tumor”.

Example Word: sarc/oma 

Word Breakdown: Sarc is a word root that pertains to “flesh (connective tissue)”, and -oma refers to “tumor”.

Definition: Sarcoma is a malignant tumor that affects bones, cartilage, fat, muscles, blood vessels, or other connective tissues.

More Examples of Medical Terms Ending in -oma

Adenoma: aden ( “gland”) + –oma ( “tumor”)

Definition: A benign tumor that originates in glandular tissue.

Atheroma: ather ( “fatty substance”) + –oma ( “tumor”)

Definition: A fatty tumor or lesion that typically forms in the inner lining of arterial walls.

Carcinoma: carcin ( “cancer”) + –oma ( “tumor”)

Definition: A type of cancer that originates in epithelial cells, which line the surface of organs and tissues.

Chondroma: chondr ( “cartilage”) + -oma ( “tumor”)

Definition: A benign tumor that arises from cartilage cells.

Cystadenoma: cyst ( “bladder”) + aden ( “gland”) + –oma ( “tumor”)

Definition: A type of benign tumor that originates in glandular tissue and forms within a cyst.

Fibroma: fibr ( “fibrous tissue”) + –oma ( “tumor”)

Definition: A benign tumor that arises from fibrous tissue.

Glioma: gli ( “glial cells of the brain”) + –oma ( “tumor”)

Definition: A type of brain tumor that originates in glial cells.

Lipoma: lip ( “fat”) + –oma ( “tumor”)

Definition: A benign tumor made up of fat cells.

Lymphoma: lymph ( “lymphatic system”) + –oma ( “tumor”)

Definition: A type of cancer that originates in lymphatic tissue.

Meningioma: meningi ( “meninges, the protective membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord“) + –oma ( “tumor”)

Definition: A type of brain tumor that originates in the meninges.

Myoma: my ( “muscle”) + –oma ( “tumor”)

Definition: A benign tumor that originates in muscle tissue.

Osteoma: oste ( “bone”) + –oma ( “tumor”)

Definition: A benign tumor that originates in bone tissue.

Papilloma: papill ( “nipple-like projection”) + –oma ( “tumor”)

Definition: A benign tumor that is made up of cells that project outward from a central axis.