myel/o is a combining form that refers to “bone marrow” or “spinal cord”.
Bone marrow consists of the soft, spongy tissue that has many blood vessels, and it is found at the center of most bones.
The spinal cord is the lengthy, cylinder-shaped structure that links your brain and lower back.
Examples of Medical Terms Containing myel/o
Myelitis: myel ( “bone marrow” or “spinal cord”) + –itis ( “inflammation”)
Definition: Inflammation of the spinal cord, which can cause pain, weakness, and difficulty moving.
Myeloid: myel ( “bone marrow” or “spinal cord”) + –oid ( “resembling”)
Definition: Resembling bone marrow or the cells that form in bone marrow.
Myeloma: myel ( “bone marrow” or “spinal cord”) + –oma ( “tumor”)
Definition: A type of cancer that begins in the bone marrow and affects the white blood cells.
Myelocyte: myel/o ( “bone marrow” or “spinal cord”) + –cyte ( “cell”)
Definition: A type of cell found in the bone marrow.
Myelography: myel/o ( “bone marrow” or “spinal cord”) + –graphy ( “process of recording”)
Definition: A diagnostic procedure that uses X-ray or CT images to visualize the spinal cord and the spaces surrounding it.
Myelopathy: myel/o ( “bone marrow” or “spinal cord”) + –pathy ( “disease”)
Definition: A disease or disorder of the spinal cord, which can cause pain, weakness, and difficulty moving.
Myelopoiesis: myel/o ( “bone marrow” or “spinal cord”) + –poiesis ( “production”)
Definition: The production of blood cells in the bone marrow.