Suffixes are part of a word that is located at the end. A suffix can change the meaning of a medical term and is usually used to indicate a discipline, technique, function, condition, or state.
This quiz will introduce you to the suffixes that pertain to surgery, diagnosis & procedure.
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Suffix | Meaning | Word Example |
-(a)pheresis | removal | plasmapheresis |
-centesis | surgical puncture | amniocentesis |
-desis | fusion of two parts into one | pleurodesis |
-ectomy | surgical removal | lobectomy |
-gram | the record | sonogram |
-graph | instrument used to record | mammograph |
-graphy | process of recording | angiography |
-metry, -meter | measurement | glucometer |
-opsy | looking at | biopsy |
-ostomy, -stomy | surgically creating a hole | colostomy |
Question of
Medical suffix term that refers to removal.
Correct Wrong
The suffix -(a)pheresis refers to "removal". Take the word plasma/pheresis as an example. Plasma represents the liquid portion of our blood (about 55%), and -pheresis refers to "removal". Plasmapheresis involves removing plasma or its components, and returning or exchanging them from and to the blood circulation.
Question of
Medical suffix term that refers to a surgical puncture.
Correct Wrong
-centesis is a suffix term for "surgical puncture". Take the word amni/o/centesis as an example. Amni/o is a combining form for "amnion (amniotic sac)", -centesis means "surgical puncture". The procedure of amniocentesis is the surgical puncture of the amniotic sac to extract amniotic fluid from a pregnant woman.
Question of
Medical suffix term refers to the fusion of two parts into one.
Correct Wrong
-desis is a suffix term for "fusion of two parts into one". Take the word pleur/o/desis as an example. Pleur/o is a combining word for "pleura", -desis means "fusion of two parts into one". Pleurodesis is the fusion between the outer wall of the lungs and its outer membrane to prevent pneumothorax from happening again.
Question of
Medical suffix term that refers to surgical removal.
Correct Wrong
-ectomy is a suffix term for "surgical removal". Take the word lob/ectomy as an example. Lob is a word root for "lobe", -ectomy means "surgical removal". The procedure of lobectomy involves surgically removing a lobe from an organ like the lung or the brain.
Question of
Medical suffix term that pertains to record of data
Correct Wrong
-gram is a suffix term that refers "record of data". Take the word son/o/gram as an example. Son/o is a combining form that pertains to "sound", -gram refers to "record of data". The sonogram is a medical image that is created by an ultrasound echo.
Question of
Medical suffix term that pertains to instrument used to record.
Correct Wrong
-graph is a suffix term that pertains "instrument used to record". Take the word mamm/o/graph as an example. Mamm/o is a combining form that pertains "breast", -graph refers to "instrument used to record". The mammograph is a machine that takes X-ray photographs of your breasts using X-rays.
Question of
Medical suffix term that pertains to process of recording.
Correct Wrong
-graphy is a suffix term that pertains "process of recording". Take the word angi/o/graphy as an example. Angi/o is a combining form that pertains to "vessel (usually blood vessel)", -graphy refers to "process of recording". Angiography is a type of medical imaging in which X-rays are used to show what is going on inside the blood vessels.
Question of
Medical suffix term that pertains to measurement.
Correct Wrong
-meter or -metry is a suffix term that refers "measurement". Take the word gluc/o/meter as an example. Gluc/o is a combining form that pertains to "sugar (glucose)", -meter refers to "measurement". Glucometer is a device that measures levels of glucose in the blood.
Question of
Medical suffix term that refers to a looking at.
Correct Wrong
-opsy is a suffix term for "looking at". Take the word bi/opsy as an example. Bi (from the combining form bi/o) is a word root that pertains "life" or "living", -opsy means "looking at". The term "biopsy" refers to taking samples of cells or tissues analyzed for disease detection.
Question of
Medical suffix term that refers to a surgically creating a hole.
Correct Wrong
-ostomy or -stomy is a suffix term for "surgically creating a hole". Take the word col/o/stomy as an example. Col/o is a combining word for "colon (large intestine)", -stomy means "surgically creating a hole". A colostomy involves the surgical creation of a surgical opening (stoma) in the large intestine (colon).