This quiz enables you to learn the suffixes and allows you to identify the disease or function of the medical terms.
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Suffix | Meaning | Sample Word |
-sclerosis | hardening | adenosclerosis |
-spasm | sudden, involuntary contraction of muscle | bronchospasm |
-stalsis | contraction | peristalsis |
-stasis | control or stop | homeostasis |
-stenosis | tightening | angiostenosis |
-thorax | chest or chest cavity | pneumothorax |
-tocia | labor or birth | atocia |
-trophy | nourishment or development | dystrophy |
-uria | urine or urination | nocturia |
Question of
Identify the meaning of the suffix.
chest, chest cavity
Correct Wrong
The suffix -sclerosis pertains to "hardening" . Example is the word aden/o/sclerosis. Aden/o is a combining form that refers to "gland", and -sclerosis pertains to "hardening". Adenosclerosis can be defined as a hardening of the glands.
Question of
Identify the meaning of the suffix.
sudden, involuntary contraction of muscle
Correct Wrong
The suffix -spasm pertains to "sudden, involuntary contraction of muscle" . Example is the word bronch/o/spasm. Bronch/o is a combining form that refers to "bronchial tube", and -spasm pertains to "sudden, involuntary contraction of muscle". Bronchospasm is difficulty breathing caused by contractions of smooth muscle around the bronchial tubes and bronchioles.
Question of
Identify the meaning of the suffix.
abnormal reduction in number
sudden, involuntary contraction of muscle
labor, birth
Correct Wrong
The suffix -stalsis pertains to "contraction" . Example is the word peri/stalsis. Peri- is a prefix term that denotes "around", and -stalsis pertains to "contraction". In the digestive system, peristalsis occurs when waves of muscle contractions move food.
Question of
Identify the meaning of the suffix.
control, stop
Correct Wrong
The suffix -stasis pertains to "control" or "stop" . Example is the word home/o/stasis. Home/o is a combining form that denotes "unchanging", and -stasis pertains to "control" or "stop". A steady state of internal, physical, and chemical equilibrium in living systems is called homeostasis. For example, warm-blooded animals maintain a stable temperature.
Question of
Identify the meaning of the suffix.
prolapse, drooping
Correct Wrong
The suffix -stenosis pertains to "tightening" . Example is the word angi/o/stenosis. Angi/o is a combining form that denotes "vessel (usually blood vessel)", and -stenosis pertains to "tightening". Angiostenosis is a narrowing of a blood vessel.
Question of
Identify the meaning of the suffix.
chest, chest cavity
cancerous tumor
Correct Wrong
The suffix -thorax pertains to "chest" or "chest cavity" . Example is the word pneum/o/thorax. Pneum/o is a combining form that denotes "lungs" or "air", and -thorax pertains to "chest" or "chest cavity". A pneumothorax is an accumulation of air in the pleural cavity usually caused by a lung injury or chest injury.
Question of
Identify the meaning of the suffix.
labor, birth
cancerous tumor
Correct Wrong
The suffix -tocia pertains to "labor" or "birth" . Example is the word a/tocia. A- is a prefix term that signifies "not" or "without", and -tocia pertains to "labor" or "birth". Atocia refers to a woman's inability to conceive or give birth to a child.
Question of
Identify the meaning of the suffix.
nourishment; development
fallopian tube, uterine tube
prolapse, drooping
Correct Wrong
The suffix -trophy pertains to "nourishment" or "development" . Example is the word dys/trophy. Dys- for this term is a prefix that means "bad" or "abnormal", and -trophy pertains to "nourishment" or "development". Dystrophy is the condition of the body wasting tissues, whether caused by genetics or insufficient nutrition.
Question of
Identify the meaning of the suffix.
urine, urination
affinity for, attraction
Correct Wrong
The suffix -uria pertains to "urine" or "urination" . Example is the word noct/uria. Noct is a word root that signifies "night", and -uria pertains to "urine" or "urination". Nocturia is the frequent need to wake up during the night in order to urinate.