Medical Prefixes that Describe the Status

Review Flashcards

This set of flashcards contains medical prefixes used to describe the status of a medical term. Each prefix is explained with a word example and a breakdown.

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#1 a-, an-

A- or an- is a medical prefix term that means "not" or "without". 

Example Word: a/pnea

Word Breakdown: A- means "not" or "without", and -pnea is a suffix term that pertains to "breathing". 

Definition: The term apnea refers to the stopping of breathing, most often during sleep.

#2 anti-

Anti- is a medical prefix term that means "against".

Example Word: anti/bi/o/tic

Word Breakdown: The prefix anti- denotes "against", bi/o is a combining form that refers to "life", and -tic is a suffix term that means "pertaining to".

Definition: An antibiotic is a drug made from naturally occurring or synthetic substances that fights bacterial infection.

#3 contra-

Contra- is a medical prefix term that means "against". 

Example Word: contra/indicate

Word Breakdown: The prefix contra- denotes "against", and indicate means 'to point out". 

Definition: Contraindicate means to warn against a specific medicine or treatment.

#4 de-

De- is a medical prefix term that means "away from" or "without". 

Example Word: de/hydr/ate

Word Breakdown: De- means "away from" or "without", hydr is a word root that pertains to "water", and -ate is a suffix term that signifies "become". 

Definition: Dehydrate is the action of removing or losing water from the body.

#5 dis-

Dis- is a medical prefix term that means "apart, separate". 

Example Word: dis/ease 

Word Breakdown: Dis- means "apart, separate", ease indicates comfort or relief. 

Definition:disease is any disturbance from the normal structural or functional state of an organism.

#6 dys-

Dys- is a medical prefix term that means "bad", "difficult" or "painful".

Example Word: dys/pepsia

Word Breakdown: Dys- means "bad", "difficult" or "painful", and -pepsia is a suffix term that pertains to "digestion".

Definition: Dyspepsia is a mild digestive disorder characterized by stomach pain, discomfort, heartburn, and nausea after eating.

More examples of medical terms for dys-

Dyscalculia: dys- (meaning "difficulty with") + calcul (meaning "mathematics") + -ia (meaning "condition").

Dyscalculia is a learning disorder characterized by difficulty with mathematical concepts and calculations.

Dysgraphia: dys- (meaning "difficulty with") + -graph (meaning "writing or instrument used to record" + -ia (meaning "condition").

Dysgraphia is a learning disorder characterized by difficulty with written expression, including handwriting, spelling, and grammar.

Dyslexia: dys- (meaning "difficulty with") + lex (meaning "language or words") + -ia (meaning "condition").

Dyslexia is a medical condition in which an individual has difficulty with reading, spelling, and sometimes speaking due to a learning disorder.

Dyspnea: dys- (meaning "difficulty with") + -pnea (meaning "breathing").

Dyspnea is difficulty breathing, often characterized by shortness of breath or labored breathing.

Dysphagia: dys- (meaning "difficulty with") + phag (meaning "eating or swallowing") + -ia (meaning "condition").

Dysphagia is difficulty swallowing, often characterized by pain or discomfort when swallowing.

Dysphoria: dys- (meaning "difficulty with") + phor (meaning "feeling") + -ia (meaning "condition").

Dysphoria is a state of unease or dissatisfaction.

Dysplasia: dys- (meaning "difficulty with") + plas (meaning "formation") + -ia (meaning "condition").

Dysplasia is a medical condition in which cells, tissues, or organs grow abnormally, often resulting in abnormal size, shape, or function.

Dysphonia: dys- (meaning "difficulty with") + phon (meaning "sound or voice") + -ia (meaning "condition").

Dysphonia is difficulty speaking or producing sounds, often characterized by hoarseness or changes in the voice.

Dysuria: dys- (meaning "difficulty with") + -uria (meaning "urination").

Dysuria is difficulty urinating, often characterized by pain or discomfort during urination.

Dysphasia: dys- (meaning "difficulty with") + phas (meaning "speech") + -ia (meaning "condition").

Dysphasia is difficulty speaking or understanding spoken language, often as a result of brain damage or neurological conditions.

Dysprosody: dys- (meaning "difficulty with") + pros- (meaning "toward") + -ody (meaning "song or voice").

Dysprosody is difficulty with the rhythm, melody, or intonation of speech, often as a result of neurological conditions or brain damage.

#7 eu-

Eu- is a medical prefix term that means "normal". 

Example Word: eu/pnea 

Word Breakdown: Eu- means "normal", and -pnea is a suffix term that refers to "breathing". 

Definition: Eupnea is normal, relaxed breathing. It's a healthy breathing pattern.

#8 heter(o)-

Heter(o)- is a medical prefix term that means "other" or "different". 

Example Word: heter(o)/sexual 

Word Breakdown: Heter(o)- means "other" or "different", and -sexual is a suffix term that modifies to a noun or adjective denoting sexual orientation. 

Definition:heterosexual is sexually attracted to the opposite sex. (also known as straight).

#9 hom(o)-

Hom(o)- is a medical prefix term that means "same" or "similar". 

Example Word: hom(o)/phobia 

Word Breakdown: Hom(o)- means "same" or "similar", and -phobia is a suffix term that signifies "irrational fear". 

Definition: Homophobia is the dislike, fear, or prejudice toward homosexuals.

#10 mal-

Mal- is a medical prefix term that means "bad". 

Example Word: mal/nutrit/ion

Word Breakdown: Mal- means "bad", nutrit is a word root that pertains to "nourishment" or "food", and -ion is a suffix term that signifies "state of being". 

Definition: Malnutrition is defined as the deficiency of proper nutrition.

#11 non-

Non- is a medical prefix term that means "not" or "without". 

Example Word: non/path/o/genic

Word Breakdown: The prefix non- means "not" or "without", path/o is a combining form that denotes "disease", and -genic is a suffix term that pertains to "producing" or "forming". 

Definition:nonpathogenic organism does not cause illness, harm, or death to other organisms.

#12 orth(o)-

Orth(o)- is a medical prefix term that means "straight; correct". 

Example Word: orth(o)/pnea 

Word Breakdown: Orth(o)- means "straight; correct", and -pnea is a suffix term that pertains to "breathing". 

Definition: Orthopnea refers to a shortness of breath when lying down, causing one to sleep curled up in bed.

#13 poikilo-

Poikilo- is a medical prefix term that means "irregular, varied". 

Example Word: poikilo/derma 

Word Breakdown: Poikilo- means "irregular, varied", and -derma is a suffix term that pertains to "skin disease". 

Definition: Poikiloderma is a disorder that causes the skin to become discolored and to break down.

#14 pseud(o)-

Pseud(o)- is a medical prefix term that means "false". 

Example Word: pseud(o)/hernia

Word Breakdown: Pseud(o)- means "false", a hernia is an abnormal protrusion of an organ through an adjacent tear or opening, usually in the abdomen. 

Definition:pseudohernia is a bulge in the abdominal wall that may be mistaken for a hernia.

#15 un-

Un- is a medical prefix term means "not" or "without". 

Example Word: un/infect/ed

Word Breakdown: The prefix un- means "not" or "without", infected denotes having an infection. 

Definition: Uninfected means not having an infection.