The medical suffix term -itis refers to “inflammation”.
Example Word: nephr/itis
Word Breakdown: Nephr is a word root that pertains to “kidney”, and -itis denotes “inflammation”.
Definition: Nephritis is the inflammation of the kidney.
More Examples of Medical Terms Ending with -itis
Arthritis: arthr ( “joints”) + –itis ( “inflammation”)
Definition: Inflammation of the joints, which can cause pain, stiffness, and difficulty moving.
Bronchitis: bronch ( “bronchi”) + –itis ( “inflammation”)
Definition: Inflammation of the bronchi, which can cause coughing, chest tightness, and difficulty breathing.
Colitis: col ( “colon”) + –itis ( “inflammation”)
Definition: Inflammation of the colon, which can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, and bleeding.
Dermatitis: dermat ( “skin”) + –itis ( “inflammation”)
Definition: Inflammation of the skin, which can cause redness, itching, and rash.
Endocarditis: endo– ( “inner surface of”) + cardi ( “heart”) + –itis ( “inflammation”)
Definition: The inflammation of the inner lining of the heart, usually the result of infection, which damages the valves of the heart.
Gastritis: gastr ( “related to the stomach”) + –itis ( “inflammation”)
Definition: Inflammation of the stomach, which can cause stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting.
Hepatitis: hepat ( “related to the liver”) + –itis ( “inflammation”)
Definition: Inflammation of the liver, which can be caused by viral infections, alcohol consumption, or other factors. It can cause symptoms such as fatigue, jaundice, and abdominal pain.
Osteoarthritis: oste/o ( “bones”) + arthr ( “joints”) + –itis ( “inflammation”)
Definition: A type of arthritis caused by the degeneration of the cartilage in the joints, typically affects the hips, knees, and hands.
Pancreatitis: pancreat ( “pancreas”) + –itis ( “inflammation”)
Definition: Inflammation of the pancreas, which can cause abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and high levels of certain enzymes in blood.
Peritonitis: periton ( “peritoneum”) + –itis ( “inflammation”)
Definition: Inflammation of the peritoneum, which is the lining of the abdominal cavity and can cause severe abdominal pain, fever, and other symptoms.
Pharyngitis: pharyng ( “pharynx”) + –itis ( “inflammation”)
Definition: Inflammation of the pharynx, which can cause sore throat, difficulty swallowing, and swollen glands.