my/o, myos/o or muscul/o is a combining form that refers to “muscle”.
Muscle refers to the tissue of the body that is composed of clusters of cells that undergo contractions and relaxation to generate movement. Three types of muscle exist in the body: skeletal (striated), smooth, and cardiac.
Examples of Medical Terms Containing my/o, myos/o or muscul/o
Myalgia: my ( “muscle”) + –algia ( “pain”)
Definition: Pain in the muscles.
Myocardium: my/o ( “muscle”) + cardi ( “heart”) + –um ( “pertaining to”)
Definition: The muscular tissue of the heart.
Myositis: my/o ( “muscle”) + –itis ( “inflammation”)
Definition: Inflammation of the muscles, which can cause pain, weakness, and difficulty moving.
Myotomy: my/o ( “muscle”) + –tomy ( “incision”)
Definition: Surgical incision of a muscle.
Myofibril: my/o ( “muscle”) + fibril ( “small fiber”)
Definition: Small fibers within muscle fibers that are responsible for muscle contraction.
Myosin: myos ( “muscle”) + –in ( “substance”)
Definition: A protein that is found in muscle fibers and is responsible for muscle contraction.
Myogenic: my/o ( “muscle”) + –genic ( “pertaining to the origin”)
Definition: Pertaining to the origin of muscle tissue.
Myopathy: my/o ( “muscle”) + –pathy ( “disease”)
Definition: A disease or disorder of the muscle.
Myotome: my/o ( “muscle”) + –tome ( “section”)
Definition: A section of muscle tissue.
Musculature: muscul ( “muscle”) + –ature ( “structure”)
Definition: The structure of the muscles.
Musculoskeletal: muscul/o ( “muscle”) + skel ( “bone”) + –al ( “pertaining to”)
Definition: Pertaining to the muscles and bones.
Musculotendinous: muscul/o ( “muscle”) + tendin/o ( “tendons”) + –us ( “pertaining to”)
Definition: Pertaining to the muscle and tendons.
Musculoligamentous: muscul/o ( “muscle”) + ligament ( “ligaments”) + –ous ( “pertaining to”)
Definition: Pertaining to the muscle and ligaments.