-ostomy, -stomy (9/19)

-ostomy or -stomy is a medical suffix term for “surgically creating a hole”.

Word Example: col/o/stomy

Word Breakdown: Col/o is a combining word for “colon (large intestine)”, -stomy means “surgically creating a hole”.

Definition:colostomy involves the surgical creation of a surgical opening (stoma) in the large intestine (colon).

More Examples of Medical Terms Ending in -ostomy or -stomy

Ileostomy: ile/o (ileum) + –stomy (surgically creating a hole)

Definition: A surgical procedure that creates an opening in the abdomen and attaches the ileum to the abdominal wall, allowing feces to be collected in a bag.

Tracheostomy: trache/o (trachea) + –stomy (surgically creating a hole)

Definition: A surgical procedure that creates an opening in the trachea, typically to allow for better breathing or to remove obstructions.

Urostomy: ur/o (urine) + –stomy (surgically creating a hole)

Definition: A surgical procedure that creates an opening in the abdomen and attaches the urinary tract to the abdominal wall, allowing urine to be collected in a bag.

Gastrostomy: gastr/o (stomach) + –stomy (surgically creating a hole)

Definition: A surgical procedure that creates an opening in the stomach, typically to allow for feeding or to remove obstructions.

Laryngostomy: laryng/o (larynx) + –stomy (surgically creating a hole)

Definition: A surgical procedure that creates an opening in the larynx, typically to allow for better breathing or to remove obstructions.

Bronchostomy: bronch/o (bronchus) + –stomy (surgically creating a hole)

Definition: A surgical procedure that creates an opening in the bronchus, typically to allow for better breathing or to remove obstructions.

Thoracostomy: thorac/o (thorax) + –stomy (surgically creating a hole)

Definition: A surgical procedure that creates an opening in the thorax, typically to allow for better breathing or to remove fluid or air.

Appendicostomy: appendic/o (appendix) + –stomy (surgically creating a hole)

Definition: A surgical procedure that creates an opening in the appendix, typically to allow for drainage or to remove the appendix.

Jejunostomy: jejun/o (jejunum) + –stomy (surgically creating a hole)

Definition: A surgical procedure that creates an opening in the jejunum, typically to allow for feeding or to remove obstructions.

Cholecystostomy: cholecyst/o (gallbladder) + –stomy (surgically creating a hole)

Definition: A surgical procedure that creates an opening in the gallbladder, typically to allow for drainage or to remove the gallbladder.

Pyelostomy: pyel/o (renal pelvis) + –stomy (surgically creating a hole)

Definition: A surgical procedure that creates an opening in the renal pelvis, typically to allow for drainage of urine from the kidneys.