-otomy, -tomy (10/19)

-otomy or -tomy is a medical suffix term that pertains to “surgical incision”.

Word Example: lapar/o/tomy 

Word Breakdown: Lapar/o is a combining form for “abdomen” or “abdominal”, -tomy is a suffix that refers to “surgical incision”.

Laparotomy is a surgery to get into the abdominal cavity by making an incision in the abdominal wall. Usually done as part of an abdominal operation, or as an exploratory surgery.

More Examples of Medical Terms Ending in -otomy or -tomy

Arthrotomy: arthr (“joint”) + –otomy (“surgical incision”)

Definition: An incision into a joint for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.

Bronchotomy: bronch (“bronchus”) + –otomy (“surgical incision”)

Definition: An incision into the bronchus, typically performed to remove an object blocking the airway.

Craniotomy: crani (“skull”) + –otomy (“surgical incision”)

Definition: An incision into the skull, typically performed to remove a brain tumor or to relieve pressure on the brain.

Gastrotomy: gastr (“stomach”) + –otomy (“surgical incision”)

Definition: An incision into the stomach, typically performed to remove an object or to treat a digestive problem.

Rhinotomy: rhin (“nose”) + –otomy (“surgical incision”)

Definition: An incision into the nose, typically performed to remove an object or to relieve nasal congestion.

Tracheotomy: trache (“trachea”) + –otomy (“surgical incision”)

Definition: An incision into the trachea, typically performed to relieve an obstructed airway.